Monday, October 3, 2011

HYPERLINKS: From Teasing to Torment

After reading the article "From Teasing to Torment" I automatically thought about the NOH8 campaign. (Take the time to check out the website if you can, it's truly incredible!) It is 100% true that students, and people in general, who are homosexual or appear to look homosexual get bullied and tormented the most in our society today. The facts in the article though were astonishing. It's sad to think about how many teenage have to deal with hatred towards them every single day. And it's down right scary to think about how many teenage consider suicide as a result of the torment they live through. 

The NOH8 Campaign is symbolized by a picture of a person with duct tape over their mouth and NOH8 painted either on their hand or cheek. It symbolizes, like other subjects we talked about in class, voices being silenced. No one wants to hear an 'explanation' for why same sex marriage should be allowed, they just think it's wrong (even though another person relationship shouldn't be any of your business!)

I found this YouTube video really cool (Lady Gaga: Born This Way) because Lady Gaga has been an inspiration to many people. She supports LGBT and puts herself, and her career behind it.

1 comment:

  1. It's like when we played the card game and we all had a difficult time to agree and make everyone comfortable. If same sex marriage is silenced, the problem still lies there and no conclusion would result just because its "WRONG" in their eyes.
